The Famed and Storied Regiment
According to Jim Travers, the scheduled deployment of the 3rd battalion, Royal 22e Régiment in August 2007 is a major political factor in the national political scene, influencing the timing of an election call.
Recall that 22e served with distinction in 2004 in Kabul, Afghanistan and no political hay was made of that deployment.
Recall that francophone soldiers have been serving continuously in Afghanistan, and in all Canadian missions.
Recall that 22e is the "Régiment canadien français", representing not only Québecers, but all French-speaking Canadians.
Recall that 22e fought in every major conflict since 1914, twice in Europe, in Korea and again was stationed in Europe during the cold war as part of NATO deterrence against Soviet forces. The 22e was deployed to peace-keeping and peace-enforcement in Cyprus, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and Somalia (as part of the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Somalia). A company from the 22e deployed to Kuwait during the first Gulf War. In nearly all of these cases, the majority of Québecers did not favour military involvement. The 22e is not a puppet of provincial sentiment. It is a regiment like any other (although probably better than any other), at the service of Government of Canada, and a unique opportunity for francophone soldiers to serve in French-speaking units. The régiment has always answered to the call:
"À Flers-Courcelette, le 15 septembre 1916, le 22e Bataillon pris part à sa première attaque d'envergure au niveau de Corps d'armée. Tremblay était fier de la caractéristique qui distinguait l'unicité de son bataillon. En demandant de mener l'attaque sur Flers-Courcelette, il était déterminé à prouver la vaillance et la haute distinction de ses hommes. Après avoir transmis ses ordres, il avertit ses hommes que
«...ce village, nous allons le prendre, et quand nous l'aurons pris, nous le gardons jusqu'au dernier homme. C'est notre première grande attaque, il faut qu'elle soit un succès pour l'honneur de tous les Canadiens-français que nous représentons en France.»
Après plusieurs jours d'âpres combats et malgré de lourdes pertes, cette attaque est couronnée de succès. La majorité des journaux du monde entier rendirent hommage à la bravoure canadienne-française. Au 25e anniversaire de la bataille Flers-Courcelette, le Ministre de la guerre de la Grande-Bretagne soulignait la vaillance des canadiens-français." (1)
Why did the Commanding Officer of the 22e implore his brigade commander to put his battalion front and centre in an attack on Flers-Courcellette? If the regiment is to exist, it is to distinguish itself, it is to command the respect it has earned, it is to hold its head high when it displays the regimental colours and it is to take its place among the proud fighting regiments of Canada. As the regiment approaches its 100th anniversary in 2014, it is not as a relic of past glories. It is the living embodiment of the fighting Canadien-français, the minority who wish to serve Canada in their own language and live as a majority within their own units. The régiment canadien-français has never hesitated to serve in the most adverse conditions before, despite misgivings in official Québec. The planned deployment in Afghanistan in 2007 is the natural army planning cycle, but it is also the duty of the regiment, a military unit that exists to serve Canada and has never shrunk from a fight.
Recall that 22e served with distinction in 2004 in Kabul, Afghanistan and no political hay was made of that deployment.
Recall that francophone soldiers have been serving continuously in Afghanistan, and in all Canadian missions.
Recall that 22e is the "Régiment canadien français", representing not only Québecers, but all French-speaking Canadians.
Recall that 22e fought in every major conflict since 1914, twice in Europe, in Korea and again was stationed in Europe during the cold war as part of NATO deterrence against Soviet forces. The 22e was deployed to peace-keeping and peace-enforcement in Cyprus, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and Somalia (as part of the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Somalia). A company from the 22e deployed to Kuwait during the first Gulf War. In nearly all of these cases, the majority of Québecers did not favour military involvement. The 22e is not a puppet of provincial sentiment. It is a regiment like any other (although probably better than any other), at the service of Government of Canada, and a unique opportunity for francophone soldiers to serve in French-speaking units. The régiment has always answered to the call:
"À Flers-Courcelette, le 15 septembre 1916, le 22e Bataillon pris part à sa première attaque d'envergure au niveau de Corps d'armée. Tremblay était fier de la caractéristique qui distinguait l'unicité de son bataillon. En demandant de mener l'attaque sur Flers-Courcelette, il était déterminé à prouver la vaillance et la haute distinction de ses hommes. Après avoir transmis ses ordres, il avertit ses hommes que
«...ce village, nous allons le prendre, et quand nous l'aurons pris, nous le gardons jusqu'au dernier homme. C'est notre première grande attaque, il faut qu'elle soit un succès pour l'honneur de tous les Canadiens-français que nous représentons en France.»
Après plusieurs jours d'âpres combats et malgré de lourdes pertes, cette attaque est couronnée de succès. La majorité des journaux du monde entier rendirent hommage à la bravoure canadienne-française. Au 25e anniversaire de la bataille Flers-Courcelette, le Ministre de la guerre de la Grande-Bretagne soulignait la vaillance des canadiens-français." (1)
Why did the Commanding Officer of the 22e implore his brigade commander to put his battalion front and centre in an attack on Flers-Courcellette? If the regiment is to exist, it is to distinguish itself, it is to command the respect it has earned, it is to hold its head high when it displays the regimental colours and it is to take its place among the proud fighting regiments of Canada. As the regiment approaches its 100th anniversary in 2014, it is not as a relic of past glories. It is the living embodiment of the fighting Canadien-français, the minority who wish to serve Canada in their own language and live as a majority within their own units. The régiment canadien-français has never hesitated to serve in the most adverse conditions before, despite misgivings in official Québec. The planned deployment in Afghanistan in 2007 is the natural army planning cycle, but it is also the duty of the regiment, a military unit that exists to serve Canada and has never shrunk from a fight.